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1021 Budapest, Ötvös János u. 3.

AT-AWG 1100


16 Bit - 1 GS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Powerful, Versatile Waveform Creation

A waveform generator must provide flexibility to cover a wide range of applications, high-performance to meet demanding signal requirements and be easy to use.
AT-AWG 1102/1104 meet the needs of today’s engineers and technicians with uncompromised performance, a wide variety of signal types, modulation schemes and generation modes all controlled through an intuitive, easy to use interface.


Test With Confidence

  • 2 or 4 channel configuration with a maximum output of: 12 Vpp, 50 Ohm - 24 Vpp, Open circuit.
  • Synchronize multiple devices for up to 32 channels
  • Flexibility: Arbitrary and Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) waveform generation
  • Modulation: built-in modulation capabilities:AM, PM,FM, ASK,PSK,FSK
  • Mixed signal generation: analog and digital pattern generation


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